Thursday 20 June 2024

Life is a cabaret (festival)

Tonight, I'm heading to Adelaide for a whirlwind trip to catch the end of the Adelaide Cabaret Festival. I've been once before - in 2021 - which was an interesting time, to say the least. That time, three years ago, I few across just as South Australia was closing its borders to New South Wales, and the day after closing night (which involved many many people, including the SA Premier, dancing inside a crowded Spiegeltent, drinking wine and singing at the tops of our lungs late into the night), the state government imposed new COVID restrictions and closed the border to the ACT behind me as I flew back.

So, this time, it feels a lot more straightforward. I plan to see a bunch of shows over two nights, and it will be glorious. But I may not be posting here for a few days.

See you on the other side!

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